How we can help your business

Starting your own business

Yes, you can start your own business quickly by working with us.

 We all have great ideas to start that business, but most of us are lacking in directions, funds, and many more things which tend to come our way. But no need to worry about all that.

As aforementioned, when starting a significant business, many obstacles would have to be overrun, completed or systems you will need to set up to make a solid, sustainable foundation for future growth.

In essence, stating your primary business objectives is just one thing. However, there is a need to build an effective system or plan which will direct or guide you in achieving the other—which is another thing in its entirety.

GOLDEN ACCOUNTANTS approaches your new business setup with long-term perspectives in mind. This is done to help you sustain your business and help you generate the much-needed revenue still to keep that business idea or other business ideas afloat.

GOLDEN ACCOUNTANTS is here to look after your needs, support you when needed, and give you the boost and assurance that anything you set your mind on will indeed work. Simply put, all the rigorous settings that come with doing a business would be as easy as snow melting in the hot summer.

Our qualified accountants and tax agents can assist with everything from determining the best business structure which suits your business, for instance, whether it is a partnership, Limited Liability Company, a sole proprietorship, and many more, and further offer advice on the right kind of accounting software that should be applied to your business. At GOLDEN ACCOUNTANTS, we tend to apply XERO for its fast-paced accounting software and the ability to be understood clearly by our numerous clients.

Furthermore, if you are unsure what type of business account must be opened for your business, no need to worry; we are here to also help you with that.

Or are you the kind that is a little bit nervous about if your accounting protocols or processes are compliant with all tax office regulations? No, need to worry; we can help with that.

Or do you want to know the most straightforward method of tracking expenses during your business transactions? Well, you need not look further because we are right here for you.

GOLDEN ACCOUNTANTS says do not let the worry of setting up a new business get to you or make you heartsick. Try us out, and just see how you would feel much better consulting with our agents and staff on this. We assure you one thing excellence and happiness.

Here are a few of the services offered;

  • Structuring advice.
  • Registrations and licenses
  • Preparation of business plans.
  • Accounting systems, and many more.

Do book a consultative session with us and let us serve you.

Maintaining that Business

“I have a business in mind, but I believe I need assistance. Can you help?”

This is the question we get on a daily. Now, once your business is functioning, you will need to maintain the accounting system that our accountants or your accountant helped you to set up.

But that is far from it. Successfully maintaining a business needs a good business plan accounting for all the various parts which go into making it run. You will need clear procedures connected to how you handle cash or your cash flow as a whole. Then we shouldn’t leave out the goals and performance metrics which are sacrosanct and helps you know how much your business is known out there.

GOLDEN ACCOUNTANTS help you at this point. We help maintain your business at every point of the way and make the entire process easy.

Here are some of the issues we got covered;

  1. Do you need someone to help interpret your financial statements as easy as ABC? We are there for you.
  2. Do you need someone or a company to oversee all PAYROLL and payment procedures? We are there for you.
  • Do you need someone who can close out your books and would also be able to create a financial report at the end of each quarter? We are there for you.

You can read [Our Services] to know more about us. We have mentioned all our services in bullet points so you can easily interpret them.

GOLDEN ACCOUNTANTS is one company that ensures you do not have anything to worry about. We do business and financial statements of any kind to be accessible as possible.

Here are some of our bullet-point services to help you understand what we are trying to point out;

  • We offer ASIC Corporate Compliance.
  • We process Government Grants and Incentives.
  • We process the Australian Tax office and Audits.
  • We manage the bookkeeping of your business.
  • We help out in Expense minimization.
  • We help out in budgeting and forecasting.
  • We help out in the process of optimizing systems.
  • We manage cash flow.

Suppose any of these objectives is what you want to be covered. Why stress yourself? Simply contact us or book a session with us and let us get started.

Scaling that Business

Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion—Jack Welch.

This idea from this great mind is simply stating the advantage of growing. Look for every opportunity to include your staff and all tools that spearhead the development of your business.

Complaint: I don’t know where to begin?

This is a question we get on a daily. Growing and maintaining your business is one fundamental objective that needs to be followed by all business owners. If this is not followed, your business dies in a short time. So, looking for every opportunity that spearheads growth in all forms is necessary.

Now, when we think of scaling our businesses, the first thing that comes to mind or what you hear at first is having the perfect plan or a correct strategy. However, the case may be, successful growth is way more than that. It is more than having a strategy or a good plan in the books. It is all about managing your finances better and becoming more efficient, which gives you the advantage over businesses that do not include it as one of their objectives and goals.

To be successful, you will need to increase the speed of your production, increase the efficiency of your staff and machines, and make sure you pay attention to the overall big picture. By doing all of these, we are sure your business would grow at a sporadic rate.

GOLDEN ACCOUNTANTS offers you a range of services that helps your business trend and become successful. Why not reach out to one of our numerous staff and begin the process of making that business grow.

Here are some of our bullet-point services;

  • We help with finances.
  • We manage wealth.
  • We offer succession planning of all types.
  • We make evaluations when necessary.
  • We arrange business acquisitions when necessary.
  • We help out with Employee Hiring and HR services.
  • We help out in maximizing automation.
  • We help out in outsourcing CFO.

Book a consultation with us today.

Satisfaction is Guaranteed in your business.

It is not what you achieve; it is what you overcome. That is what defines your career—Carlton Fisk.

The quote above speaks volumes for us at GOLDEN ACCOUNTANTS; this is why we make it possible for our customers to do business and enjoy what they do.

Complaint: I want to enjoy doing my business, but I find it challenging?

This is another type of question we receive daily from our potential clients. But you need not fret about this. This, to us, is the first step. Yes, discomfort is the very first step or the first sign of growth. It can also signify something that is not working as it should and tends to make you worry.

Now, the questions we would ask before we examine the details of the business are;

  1. Are you satisfied with the current state of your business? If you are not, then you need to know there is a solution for this.

A short scenario: We often have an idea in this case. We then go on further to spend a whole lot on it, time, money and effort. The business moves nicely. It seems everything is working as you want it to—and you’re feeling so glad about everything. The orders are coming, clients are paying in time, and everything seems to work.

Most times, we tend to think, “Well, this is great. This is what I want. I really want to be in this till my death.”

Then all of a sudden, you don’t feel that excitement anymore. The business doesn’t seem like fun to you.

 You don’t get that inspiration anymore when you work. The excitement is gone. You still get new clients from time to time, and business is still working. However, you need change, and you want something better. You have ideas you would need to implement, but the present business wants more of your time, money and effort. You want to get back to enjoying your business, and you are wondering, “What should I do?” no need to look further; this is where GOLDEN ACCOUNTANT can help. We would help you maximize automation on your retirement plan, outsource CFO and many more.

  1. Are you just tired of just waiting for a client to make an order? If you have waited for days and even months for orders so that you can make profits, then you need to know there is a solution for this.

A short scenario: Perhaps, you waited for weeks for clients to make an order. None seems to come forth, and you think deeply about whether you are doing it wrong, whether you’re not putting much effort and so on. Then the more you think about this, the more you tend to lose the inspiration you need. Most times, we become angry and frustrated with the situation. GOLDEN ACCOUNTANTS is telling you not to. We are here to serve you in this case. We would make it work; that’s a hundred per cent guarantee.

  • Are you tired of doing the same thing over and over again? If you are, then you need to know there is a solution for this.

A short scenario: Most times, when we delve into businesses. There is this fire in us. We feel fulfilled that we are doing the thing we love. We put in our best in everything we do. And the business seems to thrive. Then that situation comes up where you find yourself tired of doing the same thing over and over again. The zeal is gone, and the business tends to suffer with the reduced inspiration coming from you. The question now lies, does your business have to suffer because you do not have the zeal or energy to put it through? No. And this is where GOLDEN ACCOUNTANTS come in. We make sure we manage your business till when you decide to expand or move to the next step.

  1. Do you have an urge which says there are far better ways to make more money? If you feel there are far better ways to make money other than the present state of business you’re in, then there is a solution to that.

A short scenario: You have a business; it’s all too exciting initially. Orders are coming, you’re way above the competition at some point, and things seem to be going just as planned. Then the time comes when you tend to lose that zeal. Your competitors are now surpassing you, and you feel there is something you did wrong. You want to make the changes. But how would you make the changes when there is no capital or time. This tends to be frustrating at times. No need to think about this too much. With GOLDEN ACCOUNTANTS, we have you covered in this category.

So, why punish yourself in business. Why not give us a call to resolve the issues you face? Book an appointment with us at an affordable rate.